Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to issues closely related to family life. For a complete collection of statements, access the official website of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Those presented here include the following:
Abuse and Family Violence
Seventh-day Adventists affirm the dignity and worth of each human being and decry all forms of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and family violence. We recognize the global extent of this problem…
Read MoreChild Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse occurs when a person older or stronger than the child uses his or her power, authority, or position of trust to involve a child in sexual behavior or activity. Incest, a specific fo…
Read MoreMinistry Resources on Abuse and Family Violence
MINISTRY RESOURCES ON ABUSE AND FAMILY VIOLENCE Binding up Bruised Reeds: A Quick Reference Guide for Ministry to Families Experiencing Abuse and Family ViolenceSeventh-day Adventist Statement on Fami…
Read MoreAbuse and Family Violence: A Global Affliction
ABUSE AND FAMILY VIOLENCE: A GLOBAL AFFLICTION Twenty-five years of scientific data regarding the incidence of abuse and family violence undergird the reality that abuse and family violence represent…
Read MoreProtecting Children from Abuse: A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Church Leaders
PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM ABUSE: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS, TEACHERS AND CHURCH LEADERS Responsible persons seeking to protect children from abuse will: Acknowledge Abusive Behavior Child abuse refers to an…
Read MoreStatement on Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse occurs when a person older or stronger than the child uses his or her power, authority, or position of trust to involve a child in sexual behavior or activity. Incest, a specific fo…
Read MoreStatement on Family Violence
STATEMENT ON FAMILY VIOLENCE Family violence involves an assault of any kind-verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, or active or passive neglect-that is committed by one person or persons against anothe…
Read MoreMinistry Resources on Abuse and Family Violance
MINISTRY RESOURCES ON ABUSE AND FAMILY VIOLENCE Binding up Bruised Reeds: A Quick Reference Guide for Ministry to Families Experiencing Abuse and Family Violence Seventh-day Adventist Statement on Fam…
Read MoreDomestic Violence
<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…
Read MoreAbortion
Statement on the Biblical View of Unborn Life and Its Implications for Abortion
Human beings are created in the image of God. Part of the gift that God has given us as humans is procreation, the ability to participate in creation along with the Author of life. This sacred gift sh…
Read MorePrinciples for a Christian View of Life
Introduction “Now this is eternal life; that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3, NIV). In Christ is the promise of eternal life; but sinc…
Read MoreChildren
Family Violence
Family violence involves an assault of any kind-verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, or active or passive neglect-that is committed by one person or persons against another within a family, whether th…
Read MoreChild Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse occurs when a person older or stronger than the child uses his or her power, authority, or position of trust to involve a child in sexual behavior or activity. Incest, a specific fo…
Read MoreStatement on the Nurture and Protection of Children
Seventh-day Adventists place a high value on children. In the light of the Bible they are seen as precious gifts from God entrusted to the care of parents, family, community of faith and society-…
Read MoreCaught in the Middle
<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…
Read MoreParenting is Tough
<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…
Read MoreDivorce and Remarriage in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Statement on the Biblical View of Unborn Life and Its Implications for Abortion
Human beings are created in the image of God. Part of the gift that God has given us as humans is procreation, the ability to participate in creation along with the Author of life. This sacred gift sh…
Read MoreWhat the Divorce Statistics Say
World Divorce Rates-General Population For a collection of world divorce statistics, visit this website: Statistics compiled at this we…
Read MoreThe Impact of Divorce on Seventh-day Adventist Couples
Divorce is almost always a disaster! It affects all those involved for the rest of their lives in ways we can hardly imagine. It is fair to say that no one ever emerges from a divorce unscathed or una…
Read MoreA Review of The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce
BOOK REVIEW The Unexpected Legacy of DivorceA 25-Year Landmark Study of Divorced Families From the flyleaf- “Twenty-five years ago, Judith Wallerstein began talking to a group of 131 children wh…
Read MoreSDA Policy on Divorce and Remarriage
Introduction When the General Conference Session in Toronto considers proposed changes in our Church Manual‘s statements on divorce and remarriage, the delegates will be continuing a process tha…
Read MoreDivorce and Remarriage Study Commission – Report
Introduction Throughout the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, various committees, commissions, and councils have studied the topic of marriage and the issues of divorce and remarriage in a…
Read MoreMarriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Church Manual 2005
Biblical Teachings on Marriage Origin of Marriage -Marriage is a divine institution established by God Himself before the fall, when everything, including marriage, was “very good” (Gen. 1…
Read MoreDivorce, Remarriage, and Church Membership. Annual Council 1976
Click the image below to download the Annual Council Minutes, 1976 statement on Divorce, Remarriage, and Church Membership.
Read More2015 – 2020 Family Ministries Strategic Plans
Please find below links to download the Strategic Plan Alignment to the Global Church initiative: Reach The World, Total Member Involvement. Press/Click on the image, wait to download (0.9Mb), and add…
Read MoreFamily Ministries Breakout Presentations
Family Ministries Breakout Presentations Below you will find a link to download the presentations (PDF files) that were given during the Family Ministries Breakouts at the Reach The World, Budapest 20…
Read MoreRevival and Reformation and your Family
The General Conference Department of Family Ministries joins the Revival and Reformation program and presents practical ideas to bring your family to an spiritual revival and so reach families for Jes…
Read MoreRevival and Reformation
“A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To see this should be our first work…A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer.” …
Read MoreReal Family Talk: Answers to Questions About Love, Marriage, and Sex
The most challenging and the most important aspects of people’s lives the world over are having meaningful and happy relationships. What God meant for harmony and symphonic communication often t…
Read MoreKids in Discipleship (KID)
Kids in Discipleship (K.I.D.) began as a ministry of the Collegedale Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2002, and transitioned to a ministry of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists…
Read MoreRevival and Reformation: Building Family Memories
A great resource! Family Ministries 2015 Planbook – World Edition Available for download here Revival and Reformation: Building Family Memories
Read MoreFamily-to-Family Resource
Ahora tambien disponible para descargar aqui en castellano! Family-to-Family is an initiative of the Department of Family Ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for Mission to the Families in…
Read MoreFamily Emphases Sabbaths
Christian Home and Marriage Week: February 8-15 Christian Marriage Day: Sabbath, February 8 (Emphasizes Marraige) Christian Home Day: Sabbath, February 15 (Emphasizes Parenting) The Family Ministries…
Read MoreReal Family Talk
We believe in a place to talk about family dynamics and share tools to strengthen our marriages and families. We believe that when you have stronger marriages, you have stronger families, stronger chu…
Read MoreDistinguished Service Award
Olivers Recipients of Family Ministries Distinguished Service Award The NAD Family Ministries Distinguished Service Award was presented to Dr. Willie and Elaine Oliver at the Family Celebration Sabbat…
Read MoreFamily Violence
Family violence involves an assault of any kind-verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, or active or passive neglect-that is committed by one person or persons against another within a family, whether th…
Read MoreAbuse and Family Violence
Seventh-day Adventists affirm the dignity and worth of each human being and decry all forms of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and family violence. We recognize the global extent of this problem…
Read MoreChild Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse occurs when a person older or stronger than the child uses his or her power, authority, or position of trust to involve a child in sexual behavior or activity. Incest, a specific fo…
Read MorePrinciples for a Christian View of Life
Introduction “Now this is eternal life; that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3, NIV). In Christ is the promise of eternal life; but sinc…
Read MoreFundamental Belief on Marriage and the Family
Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman in loving companionship. For the Christian a marriage commitment is to God as well as t…
Read MoreStatement of Consensus on Care for the Dying
For people whose lives are guided by the Bible, the reality of death is acknowledged as part of the current human condition, affected by sin (Genesis 2:17; Romans 5; Hebrews 9:27). There is “a t…
Read MoreStatement on Home and Family
The health and prosperity of society is directly related to the well-being of its constituent parts – the family unit. Today, as probably never before, the family is in trouble. Social commentators de…
Read MoreAn Affirmation of Marriage
Issues related to marriage can be seen in their true light only as they are viewed against the background of the divine ideal for marriage. Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Je…
Read MoreAn Affirmation of God’s Gift of Sexuality
Human beings are created in the image of a relational God and designed to enjoy an intimate relationship with their Creator and one another (Gen. 1:26, 27; Matt. 22:37-39; John 17:3; 1 John 4:11, 12).…
Read MoreAssisted Human Reproduction — Considerations
Developments in medical technology have led to a number of interventions designed to assist human procreation. Procedures such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, embryo tra…
Read MoreBirth Control: A Seventh-day Adventist Statement of Consensus
Scientific technologies today permit greater control of human fertility and reproduction than was formerly possible. These technologies make possible sexual intercourse with the expectation of pregnan…
Read MoreChristian Principles for Genetic Interventions
Introduction Most of the new developments in genetics are the result of increased knowledge concerning the fundamental structure of genes, not only in humans but throughout all the realms of life on e…
Read MoreSeventh-day Adventist Position Statement on Homosexuality
The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes that every human being is valuable in the sight of God, and we seek to minister to all men and women in the spirit of Jesus. We also believe that by God…
Read MoreStatement of Concern on Sexual Behavior
In His infinite love and wisdom God created mankind, both male and female, and in so doing based human society on the firm foundation of loving homes and families. It is Satan’s purpose, however…
Read MoreStatement of Consensus Concerning Female Genital Mutilation
Introduction As part of their mission to the entire world, Seventh-day Adventists have a firm commitment to provide health care that preserves and restores human wholeness. By wholeness we mean the ha…
Read MoreStatement on AIDS
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and associated conditions are spreading rapidly around the world. On the basis of statistical studies it is estimated that in the near future, in many countri…
Read MoreStatement on Ethical Considerations Regarding Human Cloning
For a number of decades, the prospect that new members of the human family might be produced by cloning was considered farfetched. Recent advances in genetic and reproductive biology, however, indicat…
Read MoreStatement on Meeting the Challenges of Sexuality Transmitted Diseases
The contemporary world is confronted by grave ethical, medical, and social problems resulting from increasing sexual permissiveness and associated promiscuity. Because Christians are a part of the lar…
Read MoreStatement on Pornography
Diverse courts and cultures may debate the definitions and consequences of pornography (the literature of sexual deviance), but on the basis of eternal principles, Seventh-day Adventists of whatever c…
Read MoreStatement on the Nurture and Protection of Children
Seventh-day Adventists place a high value on children. In the light of the Bible they are seen as precious gifts from God entrusted to the care of parents, family, community of faith and society-…
Read MoreRevived by His Word
Revived by His Word A new plan to read one chapter of the Bible everyday This plan started April 17, 2012 and will end at the General Conference Session of 2015. For more information, please visit: ht…
Read MoreNewsletter – Women and Family Department Visitation
On March 22-25, 2012, the Women and Family Department of the Mongolia Mission Field (MMF) visited Hentii church, which is 300 kilometers east of Ulaanbaatar. The purpose of the visit was to conduct re…
Read MoreFun & Easy Family Worship Memories
Make up a tune for a favorite Bible passage and sing it around the dinner table every day for a week. Think about choosing 52 passages from a modern version to commit to memory this year, adding a new…
Read MoreFM Old News 2011-1
FAMILY MINISTRIES NEWS Olivers Recipients of Family Ministries Distinguished Service Award The NAD Family Ministries Distinguished Service Award was presented to Dr. Willie and Elaine Oliver at the Fa…
Read MoreTalking to Children About the Death of the “enemy”
Talking to Children About the Death of the “enemy”
Read MoreDivorce and Remarriage, and Church Membership
Divorce and Remarriage, and Church Membership
Read MoreFamily Celebration Sabbath 2011
SAVE THE DATE: Family Celebration Sabbath 2012 ~ July 20 – 22, 2012 Family educators, church leaders, faculty, staff and students from across the globe gathered at the Seventh-day Adventist Theo…
Read MoreMessage Magazine
Website: Message magazine presents the Bible-based gospel of Jesus Christ to effect positive life-change and virtuous living for today and eternity.
Read MoreFamily Celebration Sabbath
Celebration of Love Save the Date Further information: [email protected]
Read MoreResources for Family Ministries
RESOURCES FOR FAMILY MINISTRIES Children’s Stories The stories have been carefully selected and are suited to be narrated during the children’s story time in church. [display-posts tag=…
Read MoreSermon Collections
MARRIAGE SERMON RESOURCES Close CompanionsThe close companionship of a husband and wife in marriage helps them to be better equipped to face and endure whatever crises life may bring (by Karen & R…
Read MoreBuilding Characters for Eternity
Theme: Scripture reveals the paramount task of parents-to develop solid characters in their children, characters that will stand firm against negative influences of the world. Theme Text: Deut. 6:1, 2…
Read MoreStart an FM Program – The Special Needs of Families
THE SPECIAL NEEDS OF FAMILIES VARIED FAMILY SITUATIONSF amily ministry seeks to reach every kind of household. The stereotype of the “ideal” family and household-father, mother, children t…
Read MorePremarital Guidance in Seventh-day Adventist Church
In 1977, D. W. Holbrook and Betty Holbrook, directors of the denomination’s new Home and Family Service, organized the Metro Washington Family Life Council, an organization which spanned three c…
Read MoreSeventh-day Adventist Policy on Divorce and Remarriage: A Brief Outline of Historical Developments
Introduction When the General Conference Session in Toronto considers proposed changes in our Church Manual ‘s statements on divorce and remarriage, the delegates will be continuing a process th…
Read MoreDivorce and Remarriage in the Seventh-day Church: The Impact of Divorce on SDA Couples
Divorce is almost always a disaster! It affects all those involved for the rest of their lives in ways we can hardly imagine. It is fair to say that no one ever emerges from a divorce unscathed or una…
Read MoreDivorce and Remarriage in the Seventh-day Adventist Church: What the Divorce Statistics Say
World Divorce Rates-General Population For a collection of world divorce statistics, visit this website: . Statistics compiled at this website appear to be less documented…
Read MorePremarital Couple Dialogue Questions
Questions and Statements to StimulatePremarital Couple Dialogue The following questions and statements can be used in premarital sessions to encourage the couple to communicate with each other about t…
Read MoreResources for Pre-marriage Preparation – Organizations
ACME (Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment – Building Better Marriages), offers retreats, support groups, facilitator training and a regular newsletter to help couples keep marriages h…
Read MoreBibliography for Marriage Preparation
Chidwick, Ann. (1994). New beginnings: A remarriage preparation program manual . Milwaukee, WI: Families International, Inc. Chidwick, Ann. (1994). New beginnings: A remarriage preparation workbook .…
Read MorePreparing Couples for Marriage
Marriage is a Process A wedding is one of life’s most significant celebrations. It merits all the careful thought and planning usually invested in its preparation. Of course planning for the cer…
Read MoreGrace Changes Everything
Theme: The grace of God empowers and energizes us to produce happy, healthy marriages. Theme Text: Ephesians 1-5 Presentation Notes: Throughout the following outline, numbers in parentheses (1), (2),…
Read MoreClose Companions
Theme: The close companionship of a husband and wife in marriage helps them to be better equipped to face and endure whatever crises life may bring. Theme Text: Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:28-30; Eccles…
Read MoreInvited to the Feast
Theme: The gift of Christ to the marriage feast at Cana was a symbol of what He wants to do to our own marriages. Theme Text: John 2:1-12 Supplementary Reading: Ellen G. White, “At the Marriage…
Read MoreLet Love’s Light Shine
Theme: Each Christian married couple is a ministering unit whose love and oneness is a powerful means of sharing the gospel and uplifting the lives of other couples and individuals. Theme Text: Gen. 2…
Read MoreA Godly Design
Theme: God designed marriage to help meet the multiple needs of men and women in a context of affirmation, safety, and security. Theme Text: Genesis 1:28; 2:18-24; 1 Corinthians 7:5; Ephesians 5:22-32…
Read MoreThe Marriage Miracle
Theme: Jesus’ transformation of water to wine at the wedding feast symbolizes His transformation of the marriage institution. God’s redemptive act in Christ lifted the curse, permitting co…
Read MorePreventive Health Care for Marriage
Theme: God has given simple preventive principles that can help couples to maintain a healthy marriage. Theme Text: 3 John 2 Presentation Notes: Throughout the following outline, numbers in parenthese…
Read MoreSustaining Love Throug The Seasons of Marriage
Theme: Provisions exist in the Christian gospel to enable married couples to maintain their covenant amid changes that affect their marriage. Theme Text: Lam. 3:23; Hosea 2:20 Presentation Notes: Thro…
Read MoreDivorce and Remarriage in the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Divorce and Remarriage Study Commission – Report
DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE STUDY COMMISSION-REPORT Introduction Throughout the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, various committees, commissions, and councils have studied the topic of marriage…
Read MoreDivorce and Remarriage in the Seventh-day Adventist Church: A Review of the Unexpected Legacy of Divorce
BOOK REVIEW The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce A 25-Year Landmark Study of Divorced Families by Judith S. Wallerstein, Julia M. Lewis, Sandra Blakeslee New York: Hyperion (2000) Reviewed by Karen and Ro…
Read MoreSparking Romance
<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…
Read MorePremarital Guidance in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Premarital Guidance in Seventh-day Adventist Church A brief history of actions and policies regarding premarital guidance. Preparing Couples for MarriageA summary of the philosophy, process, tools and…
Read MoreDivorce and Remarriage in the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage – Church Manual 2005
MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, AND REMARRIAGE Biblical Teachings on Marriage Origin of Marriage -Marriage is a divine institution established by God Himself before the fall, when everything, including marriage, w…
Read MoreStart an FM Program
LEADERSHIP IN FAMILY MINISTRIES The home and family emphasis within the Department of Church Ministries endeavors to make the home a discipling center where family members by their relationships with…
Read MoreMinistry Resources on Abuse and Family Violence
MINISTRY RESOURCES ON ABUSE AND FAMILY VIOLENCE Binding up Bruised Reeds: A Quick Reference Guide for Ministry to Families Experiencing Abuse and Family ViolenceSeventh-day Adventist Statement on Fami…
Read MoreMore Ideas for Family Ministries
MORE IDEAS FOR FAMILY MINISTRIES GIVE A FAMILY STRENGTHENING EMPHASIS TO EXISTING CHURCH ACTIVITIES Without adding new programs to an often already overcrowded church calendar, a family strengthening…
Read MoreAbuse and Family Violence: A Global Affliction
ABUSE AND FAMILY VIOLENCE: A GLOBAL AFFLICTION Twenty-five years of scientific data regarding the incidence of abuse and family violence undergird the reality that abuse and family violence represent…
Read MoreFamily Violence: A Christian Response
FAMILY VIOLENCE: A CHRISTIAN RESPONSE Family violence refers to a pattern of violent and coercive behavior exercised by one adult in an intimate relationship over another. It may consist of repeated,…
Read MoreProtecting Children from Abuse: A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Church Leaders
PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM ABUSE: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS, TEACHERS AND CHURCH LEADERS Responsible persons seeking to protect children from abuse will: Acknowledge Abusive Behavior Child abuse refers to an…
Read MoreStatement on Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse occurs when a person older or stronger than the child uses his or her power, authority, or position of trust to involve a child in sexual behavior or activity. Incest, a specific fo…
Read MoreStatement on Family Violence
STATEMENT ON FAMILY VIOLENCE Family violence involves an assault of any kind-verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, or active or passive neglect-that is committed by one person or persons against anothe…
Read MoreBinding up Bruised Reeds: A Quick Reference Guide for Ministry to Families Experiencing Violence
New 2009 Release Binding up Bruised Reeds: A Quick Reference Guide for Ministry to Families Experiencing Abuse and Family Violence Edited by Karen M. Flowers and Barbara Couden Hernandez, AdventSource…
Read MoreMinistry Resources on Abuse and Family Violance
MINISTRY RESOURCES ON ABUSE AND FAMILY VIOLENCE Binding up Bruised Reeds: A Quick Reference Guide for Ministry to Families Experiencing Abuse and Family Violence Seventh-day Adventist Statement on Fam…
Read MorePreparing for Marriage Inventory
<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…
Read MoreA Program for Premarital Guidance
<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…
Read MoreSpeaking Together in Love
SPEAKING TOGETHER IN LOVE by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Theme: Communicating in potential conflict situations without shaming others. Target…
Read MoreA Prescription for Optimum Health
A PRESCRIPTION FOR OPTIMUM HEALTH by Kathleen H. Liwidjaja-Kuntaraf Director, Health-Temperance Asia Pacific Division Theme: This seminar presents the eight laws of health and suggests how families ca…
Read MoreThe Power of Encouragement
THE POWER OF ENCOURAGEMENT by Bernie and Karen Holford Family Ministries Directors South England Conference with Karen M. Flowers Theme: People and families need encouragement. God’s grace is a…
Read MoreMaking Christian Values Winsome
MAKING CHRISTIAN VALUES WINSOME by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Theme: Teaching Christian values in the home setting. Objective: To present a…
Read MoreLoneliness in Crisis
LONELINESS IN CRISIS by Larry Yeagley Larry Yeagley pastors churches in the Michigan Conference of the Lake Union, NAD. He has served as a chaplain at Huguley Memorial Medical Center in Fort Worth, Te…
Read MoreLife After Loss
LIFE AFTER LOSS A Seminar on How to Adjust to Loss by Larry Yeagley Pastor, North American Division Theme: Some families experience grief for a season of their lives. This seminar takes a look at the…
Read MoreHearts and Homes for Him
HEARTS AND HOMES FOR HIM by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Adapted from Christian Hospitality Made Easy by Patricia B. Mutch Theme: How to make…
Read MoreFamily Fun Trail
FAMILY FUN TRAIL by Bernie & Karen Holford Department of Family Ministries South England Conference Trans-European Division Family Fun Trail is a family enrichment activity that may be done indoor…
Read MoreFamily
Family-to-Family Resource
Ahora tambien disponible para descargar aqui en castellano! Family-to-Family is an initiative of the Department of Family Ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for Mission to the Families in…
Read MoreFamily Emphases Sabbaths
Christian Home and Marriage Week: February 8-15 Christian Marriage Day: Sabbath, February 8 (Emphasizes Marraige) Christian Home Day: Sabbath, February 15 (Emphasizes Parenting) The Family Ministries…
Read MoreReal Family Talk
We believe in a place to talk about family dynamics and share tools to strengthen our marriages and families. We believe that when you have stronger marriages, you have stronger families, stronger chu…
Read MoreFamily Violence
Family violence involves an assault of any kind-verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, or active or passive neglect-that is committed by one person or persons against another within a family, whether th…
Read MoreMarriage
Fundamental Belief on Marriage and the Family
Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman in loving companionship. For the Christian a marriage commitment is to God as well as t…
Read MoreAn Affirmation of Marriage
Issues related to marriage can be seen in their true light only as they are viewed against the background of the divine ideal for marriage. Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Je…
Read MoreAn Affirmation of God’s Gift of Sexuality
Human beings are created in the image of a relational God and designed to enjoy an intimate relationship with their Creator and one another (Gen. 1:26, 27; Matt. 22:37-39; John 17:3; 1 John 4:11, 12).…
Read MoreAssisted Human Reproduction — Considerations
Developments in medical technology have led to a number of interventions designed to assist human procreation. Procedures such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, embryo tra…
Read MoreSexuality and Reproductive Issues
An Affirmation of God’s Gift of Sexuality
Human beings are created in the image of a relational God and designed to enjoy an intimate relationship with their Creator and one another (Gen. 1:26, 27; Matt. 22:37-39; John 17:3; 1 John 4:11, 12).…
Read MoreAssisted Human Reproduction — Considerations
Developments in medical technology have led to a number of interventions designed to assist human procreation. Procedures such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, embryo tra…
Read MoreChristian Principles for Genetic Interventions
Introduction Most of the new developments in genetics are the result of increased knowledge concerning the fundamental structure of genes, not only in humans but throughout all the realms of life on e…
Read MoreSeventh-day Adventist Position Statement on Homosexuality
The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes that every human being is valuable in the sight of God, and we seek to minister to all men and women in the spirit of Jesus. We also believe that by God…
Read MoreStatements
Statement of Consensus on Care for the Dying
For people whose lives are guided by the Bible, the reality of death is acknowledged as part of the current human condition, affected by sin (Genesis 2:17; Romans 5; Hebrews 9:27). There is “a t…
Read MoreStatement on Home and Family
The health and prosperity of society is directly related to the well-being of its constituent parts – the family unit. Today, as probably never before, the family is in trouble. Social commentators de…
Read MoreAn Affirmation of God’s Gift of Sexuality
Human beings are created in the image of a relational God and designed to enjoy an intimate relationship with their Creator and one another (Gen. 1:26, 27; Matt. 22:37-39; John 17:3; 1 John 4:11, 12).…
Read MoreAssisted Human Reproduction — Considerations
Developments in medical technology have led to a number of interventions designed to assist human procreation. Procedures such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, embryo tra…
Read MoreBirth Control: A Seventh-day Adventist Statement of Consensus
Scientific technologies today permit greater control of human fertility and reproduction than was formerly possible. These technologies make possible sexual intercourse with the expectation of pregnan…
Read MoreChristian Principles for Genetic Interventions
Introduction Most of the new developments in genetics are the result of increased knowledge concerning the fundamental structure of genes, not only in humans but throughout all the realms of life on e…
Read MoreSeventh-day Adventist Position Statement on Homosexuality
The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes that every human being is valuable in the sight of God, and we seek to minister to all men and women in the spirit of Jesus. We also believe that by God…
Read MoreStatement of Concern on Sexual Behavior
In His infinite love and wisdom God created mankind, both male and female, and in so doing based human society on the firm foundation of loving homes and families. It is Satan’s purpose, however…
Read MoreStatement of Consensus Concerning Female Genital Mutilation
Introduction As part of their mission to the entire world, Seventh-day Adventists have a firm commitment to provide health care that preserves and restores human wholeness. By wholeness we mean the ha…
Read MoreStatement on AIDS
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and associated conditions are spreading rapidly around the world. On the basis of statistical studies it is estimated that in the near future, in many countri…
Read MoreStatement on Ethical Considerations Regarding Human Cloning
For a number of decades, the prospect that new members of the human family might be produced by cloning was considered farfetched. Recent advances in genetic and reproductive biology, however, indicat…
Read MoreStatement on Meeting the Challenges of Sexuality Transmitted Diseases
The contemporary world is confronted by grave ethical, medical, and social problems resulting from increasing sexual permissiveness and associated promiscuity. Because Christians are a part of the lar…
Read MoreStatement on Pornography
Diverse courts and cultures may debate the definitions and consequences of pornography (the literature of sexual deviance), but on the basis of eternal principles, Seventh-day Adventists of whatever c…
Read MoreStatement on the Nurture and Protection of Children
Seventh-day Adventists place a high value on children. In the light of the Bible they are seen as precious gifts from God entrusted to the care of parents, family, community of faith and society-…
Read MoreStatement on Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse occurs when a person older or stronger than the child uses his or her power, authority, or position of trust to involve a child in sexual behavior or activity. Incest, a specific fo…
Read MoreStatement on Family Violence
STATEMENT ON FAMILY VIOLENCE Family violence involves an assault of any kind-verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, or active or passive neglect-that is committed by one person or persons against anothe…
Read More