
Real Family Talk Blog

New Year, New You

The beginning of a new year presents a compelling opportunity for wholistic life transformation. The…

Who Should I Marry?

Finding a compatible spouse who shares your values is a significant challenge, especially for those…

Married and Frustrated! Part 2

When two people meet and get along well together, they often say they’ve fallenin love. Actually, th…

We Have Teenagers, Please Help!

Parenting teenagers is one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences. It requires striking a…

Married and Frustrated! Part 1

Marriage is one of the most challenging relationships to manage, because it’s the closest relationsh…

Good Communication

Good communication is like the blood of relationships. Every facet of the living organism of your re…

Why Get Married at All? Part 2

In last month’s column we answered your question from a biblical perspective. In this month’s column…

Why Get Married at All? Part 1

As people of faith living in a world without moral boundaries or constraints, it is essential to ask…

Holidays With Adult Children

We appreciate your willingness to approach this holiday season differently than you have in the past…

The Energy of our Marriage

Thank you for the level of empathy you show for your wife in your question. At this time your relati…

Same-sex Attraction

To be sure, it is important to have a correct biblical view of who we are to avoid embracing a fault…

We do not see or hear from our son

What you have described is not all that unusual. Much of what you shared has to do with the rituals…

My Marriage Is Over

Anyone can change the habit of referencing their busyness in conversation by recognizing the habit e…

Improving Time Together

Anyone can change the habit of referencing their busyness in conversation by recognizing the habit e…

What to do After Graduation

Feeling a bit lost, lonely, left out, or falling behind are not unusual emotions after completing an…

When Marriage Is More Down Than Up

We’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: when couples are dating, opposites attract. But in m…

A Marriage That Goes the Distance

God’s intent from the beginning was for permanence and intimacy in marriage when he said in Gen 2:24…

Drawing the Line in the Sand

We encourage you to set sensible boundaries (rules) with your daughter and see to it that they are k…

Money Matters

The truth is, regardless of how much money a couple or family has, they almost always believe they n…

Feelings of Resentment

Resentment and bitterness are byproducts of unresolved conflict or feelings of hurt that persist bec…

Living Together Without Being Married

We believe God loves you and wants to save you and your partner regardless of what has happened or i…

Should I Say “Yes”?

We often share with dating couples—and married couples too—that there are no perfect couples because…

My Sons Want Tattoos!

I am a Christian single mom of two sons. One is 19 years old and the other 23. Recently they’ve been…

Too Much Bickering!

What you’ve described is very common among married couples. Most good marriages enjoy a decent level…

Unmet Expectations

Your story is one we’ve heard before from many disappointed marriage partners. Yet, many of them hav…

Keeping Our Homes Abuse-Free

Understanding domestic violence to keep homes free from abuse.

Ambiguous Loss

Emerging theories of grief, such as ambiguous loss, may help us understand what you’re currently exp…

Where Did We Go Wrong?

Trusting God with our children.

What’s the Big Deal With Homosexuality?

Marriage and Family experts, Willie and Elaine Oliver tackle a challenging topic.

Hope in the Face of Divorce—Part2

The following is continued from last month’s column.

Hope in the Face of Divorce—Part 1

After 10 years of marriage, my husband just asked for a divorce. We disagree about almost everything…

Christmas for Christians

This is a good time at any stage of one’s life to ponder the significance of Christmas

Where to Spend the Holidays

You are facing one of the common dilemmas most newlyweds face, at least in the United States. While…

Comforting the Grieving

How to comfort someone who lost a loved one.

Frequent Family Dinners

Frequent family dinners have multiple benefits to children and teens that aid in positive youth deve…

What to Do With Differences?

What happens when you just can’t agree with your spouse?

Words That Hurt, Words That Heal

Being misunderstood is an awful experience, especially if you are a teenager and the person doing th…

Making Marriage Fun

How do we keep the honeymoon going?

Looking for Hope

How can we handle anxiety during this pandemic?

Relieving Family Tensions During the Pandemic

What is more important? Is it winning the argument or preserving peace in the family?

When Cultures Collide

We often share with couples that before marriage, opposites attract. Yet after marriage, opposites t…

Real Family Talk: Returning to “Normal”

Dealing with post-pandemic life.

Nothing in Common!

A change of attitude can save your marriage.