The over-arching objective of Family Ministries is to strengthen the family as a discipling center. The family was established by divine creation as the fundamental human institution. It is the primary setting in which values are learned and the capacity for close relationships with God and with other human beings is developed.
Family Ministries is a ministry of grace which acknowledges as normative the biblical teachings relating to the family and holds high God’s ideals for family living. At the same time, it brings an understanding of the brokenness experienced by individuals and families in a fallen world. Thus, Family Ministries seeks to enable families to stretch toward divine ideals, while at the same time ever extending the good news of God’s saving grace and the promise of growth possible through the indwelling Spirit.
Family Ministries focuses on people in relationship. It is a ministry that provides tools for couples, parents and children, single adults, and all members of the wider family circle as they pass through life’s predictable stages and confront unexpected changes in their lives.
Why Adventist Family Ministries?
The over-arching objective of Adventist Family Ministries is to strengthen the family as a discipling center. The family was established by divine creation as the fundamental human institution.
Read MoreOur Directors
Willie and Elaine Oliver are directors of the Department of Family Ministries for the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters since June 2010.
Read MoreOur Staff
Learn more about our General Conference Adventist Family Ministries Staff: Dawn Jacobson-Venn, Administrative Assistant.
Read MoreOur Worldwide Ministries
Adventist Family Ministries is a worldwide ministry directed by Willie and Elaine Oliver at the General Conference World Headquarters and is represented around the world through the 13 divisions and attached fields.
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