For almost 30 years Adventist Family Ministries has published an annual Family Ministries Planbook with materials and programming ideas to assist church leaders in their work on behalf of families in their local churches and communities. Beginning with the 2021 edition, this resource will be rebranded as the Family Ministries Resource Book.

2025 Resource Book | Celebrate Creation: Marriage, Family and the Sabbath
We hope the 2025 Adventist Family Ministries Resource Book—Celebrate Creation: Marriage, Family, and the Sabbath—will give us a new appreciation for God’s wisdom in creation, compassion for the challenges faced by modern families, and hope in the transformative power of the gospel, being able to say with renewed determination, I Will Go with My Family.

2024 Resource Book: Understanding Diverse Families
Our prayer is that the 2024 Adventist Family Ministries Resource Book titled Understanding Diverse Families will serve as a valuable resource for pastors, Family Ministries leaders, and disciple-makers dedicated to supporting families navigate the chasm of difference with the heart of Jesus.

2023 Resource Book: Families and Mental Health
It is our prayer that the 2023 Family Ministries Resource Book—emphasizing Family and Mental Health—will serve as a valuable resource for pastors, Family Ministries leaders, and members who are dedicated to supporting families, not only with their emotional health issues, but also their spiritual wellbeing, and be able to live out our vision of I…

2022 Resource Book: Family Resilience
The theme for the 2022 Family Ministries Resource Book is Family Resilience. So, today we are calling on every pastor, every Family Ministries leader at every level, and every member of the church to take note of Paul’s message of resilience.

2021 Resource Book: Unity in Community
The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Strategic Focus for the 2020-2025 quinquennium is “I Will Go!” The theme for the 2021 newly rebranded Family Ministries Resource Book is “I Will Go with My Family”, which is also Adventist Family Ministries’ emphasis for the 2020-2025 quinquennium.

Planbook 2020: Making Disciples
It was soon after the resurrection and just before returning to the Father that Jesus gave His disciples their marching orders as His representatives. This strategic focus is known in theological circles as the great commission.

Planbook 2019: Strengthening Disciples
To be sure, God tells us to expect trials, and it is in our response to those trials that gives evidence that we are growing and being strengthened as true disciples of Jesus Christ. The believer who expects his or her life to be easy—especially in family relationships—is in for a major shock. Jesus warned…

Planbook 2018: Discipleship and Service
The viability of every disciple, to be sure, is predicated on connection with Jesus. The agricultural metaphor is poignant, purposeful, and persistent. To be disciples of Jesus we MUST abide in Him, and in turn, He abides in us. This points to a relationship that is dynamic, energetic, and vibrant. A relationship that is ALIVE!

Planbook 2017: Growing Disciples
Growing Disciples is the Family Ministries theme for this year. This comprehensive notion must become one of the central activities promoted and advocated by our corporate church, and by every local congregation and family within our ranks. After all, Christian existence is dynamic, and must be progressing every day to a closer and more meaningful…

Planbook 2016: Healthy Families for Eternity
Solomon, through inspiration, offers a collection of wise sayings for people interested in living a life without regrets and unnecessary pain. He counsels: “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck. My son, if sinners entice you,…

Planbook 2015: Building Family Memories
A few months ago we celebrated 30 years of being married to each other. Thirty years is a long time. However, it seems like it was just yesterday we were exchanging marriage vows on a sunny afternoon in August at the Seventh-day Adventist Village Church in South Lancaster, Massachusetts, in the United States of America.