Statements on Family Issues

Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to issues closely related to family life. For a complete collection of statements, access the official website of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Those presented here include the following:


Abuse and Family Violence

Seventh-day Adventists affirm the dignity and worth of each human being and decry all forms of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and family violence. We recognize the global extent of this problem…

Real Answers

Statement on Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse occurs when a person older or stronger than the child uses his or her power, authority, or position of trust to involve a child in sexual behavior or activity. Incest, a specific fo…

Real Answers

Statement on Family Violence

STATEMENT ON FAMILY VIOLENCE Family violence involves an assault of any kind-verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, or active or passive neglect-that is committed by one person or persons against anothe…

Real Answers


Statement on the Biblical View of Unborn Life and Its Implications for Abortion

Human beings are created in the image of God. Part of the gift that God has given us as humans is procreation, the ability to participate in creation along with the Author of life. This sacred gift sh…

Real Answers

Principles for a Christian View of Life

Introduction “Now this is eternal life; that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3, NIV). In Christ is the promise of eternal life; but sinc…

Real Answers


New Year, New You

The beginning of a new year presents a compelling opportunity for wholistic life transformation. The wisdom of the Bible—combined with modern psychological and sociological insights—offers a comprehen…


Who Should I Marry?

Finding a compatible spouse who shares your values is a significant challenge, especially for those in their early 30s who may feel increasing pressure to settle down. To be sure, the Bible offers sev…


Married and Frustrated! Part 2

When two people meet and get along well together, they often say they’ve fallenin love. Actually, they’ve fallen into what’s called limerence, which is just a fancy way of saying they’re deeply attrac…

Personal Advice

We Have Teenagers, Please Help!

Parenting teenagers is one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences. It requires striking a delicate balance between providing enough support and independence to foster their growth into resp…

Personal Advice

Married and Frustrated! Part 1

Marriage is one of the most challenging relationships to manage, because it’s the closest relationship for most people.

Personal Advice

Good Communication

Good communication is like the blood of relationships. Every facet of the living organism of your relationship hinges on good, healthy communication.

Personal Advice

Why Get Married at All? Part 2

In last month’s column we answered your question from a biblical perspective. In this month’s column we share a social scientific assessment on marriage and premarital cohabitation.

Personal Advice

Heather-Dawn Small Passes to her Rest in the Lord

Pastor Ted Wilson shared these comforting words: “Our hearts go out to the family of Heather-Dawn Small. What a tragedy that she has died. The process happened so quickly that it is difficult to grasp…


Why Get Married at All? Part 1

As people of faith living in a world without moral boundaries or constraints, it is essential to ask ourselves what norms we are living by and why.

Personal Advice

Holidays With Adult Children

We appreciate your willingness to approach this holiday season differently than you have in the past. Essentially, your question is the answer to your deep concerns.  The truth is, when it comes to fa…

Personal Advice

The Energy of our Marriage

Thank you for the level of empathy you show for your wife in your question. At this time your relationship is going through one of the most crucial transitions in marriage, from just being the two of…

Personal Advice

Same-sex Attraction

To be sure, it is important to have a correct biblical view of who we are to avoid embracing a faulty personal ethic and identity. The Bible states we were created in the image of God…

Personal Advice

We do not see or hear from our son

What you have described is not all that unusual. Much of what you shared has to do with the rituals you and your son have developed over the years about connecting with each other on a regular basis.

Personal Advice

My Marriage Is Over

Anyone can change the habit of referencing their busyness in conversation by recognizing the habit exists, and by being intentional about choosing a different response. You will be surprised at how mu…

Personal Advice

Improving Time Together

Anyone can change the habit of referencing their busyness in conversation by recognizing the habit exists, and by being intentional about choosing a different response. You will be surprised at how mu…

Personal Advice

What to do After Graduation

Feeling a bit lost, lonely, left out, or falling behind are not unusual emotions after completing an important stage in life like high school. It is quite common to feel out of sorts, even nostalgic,…

Personal Advice

When Marriage Is More Down Than Up

We’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: when couples are dating, opposites attract. But in marriage, opposites are more likely to repel.

Personal Advice

A Marriage That Goes the Distance

God’s intent from the beginning was for permanence and intimacy in marriage when he said in Gen 2:24, 25: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they sha…


Drawing the Line in the Sand

We encourage you to set sensible boundaries (rules) with your daughter and see to it that they are kept. There is no need to be harsh. Nevertheless, you must learn to be firm and kind at the same time…


Money Matters

The truth is, regardless of how much money a couple or family has, they almost always believe they need more. Family counselors suggest that most of these arguments are not really about the money. Rat…


Feelings of Resentment

Resentment and bitterness are byproducts of unresolved conflict or feelings of hurt that persist because forgiveness has not taken place.


Living Together Without Being Married

We believe God loves you and wants to save you and your partner regardless of what has happened or is happening in your lives


Should I Say “Yes”?

We often share with dating couples—and married couples too—that there are no perfect couples because there are no perfect people.


My Sons Want Tattoos!

I am a Christian single mom of two sons. One is 19 years old and the other 23. Recently they’ve been talking about getting tattoos, and I am disturbed by that idea. I find tattoos disgraceful and dist…


Too Much Bickering!

What you’ve described is very common among married couples. Most good marriages enjoy a decent level of happiness, and married partners tend to get along until someone says something or does something…


Unmet Expectations

Your story is one we’ve heard before from many disappointed marriage partners. Yet, many of them have never spoken to their spouse about their feelings and needs. What you’ve shared is described in th…


Keeping Our Homes Abuse-Free

Understanding domestic violence to keep homes free from abuse.


Ambiguous Loss

Emerging theories of grief, such as ambiguous loss, may help us understand what you’re currently experiencing with your daughter who was recently diagnosed with serious mental illness (SMI).


Where Did We Go Wrong?

Trusting God with our children.


What’s the Big Deal With Homosexuality?

Marriage and Family experts, Willie and Elaine Oliver tackle a challenging topic.


Hope in the Face of Divorce—Part2

The following is continued from last month’s column.


Hope in the Face of Divorce—Part 1

After 10 years of marriage, my husband just asked for a divorce. We disagree about almost everything we speak about. As a Christian, […]


Christmas for Christians

This is a good time at any stage of one’s life to ponder the significance of Christmas


Where to Spend the Holidays

You are facing one of the common dilemmas most newlyweds face, at least in the United States. While not every family is big on the holidays, many are, especially about Thanksgiving and Christmas. As y…


Comforting the Grieving

How to comfort someone who lost a loved one.


Frequent Family Dinners

Frequent family dinners have multiple benefits to children and teens that aid in positive youth development.


What to Do With Differences?

What happens when you just can’t agree with your spouse?


Words That Hurt, Words That Heal

Being misunderstood is an awful experience, especially if you are a teenager and the person doing the misunderstanding is your parent.


Making Marriage Fun

How do we keep the honeymoon going?


Looking for Hope

How can we handle anxiety during this pandemic?


Relieving Family Tensions During the Pandemic

What is more important? Is it winning the argument or preserving peace in the family?


When Cultures Collide

We often share with couples that before marriage, opposites attract. Yet after marriage, opposites tend to repel.


Nothing in Common!

A change of attitude can save your marriage.


Engaged to be Engaged?

Should I get premarital counseling before getting engaged?


Let’s Not Waste the Pandemic

One year into our current world health crisis, it may be the time to ask “what,” not “why.”


Parents Can Help Teens and Young Adults Say “No” to Drugs

A comprehensive study with strategies that help prevent addictions.


Family Ties

Jesus is the One who makes us all part of God’s family too.

Children’s Stories

God Cares For You While You Care for Your Aging Parents

Caring for elderly parents beyond any challenge.


Faith and a Box of Cereal

An object lesson that reminds us to trust God's love.


In Search of Peace and Quiet

A change of perspective that can bring balance to family life


Let God Be the Architect

We need Jesus to build our marriage.


Helping Children (and Others) With Viral Anxiety

Practical advice to navigate a season of uncertainty and bad news


Stay Together

Everything that is a meaningful accomplishment takes effort, patience, and dedication.


Bullying Is Not Right

Teaching children how to respond when bullied.


No excuse for Abuse in the Family

Reviewing God’s original design and perfect plan for our relationships and families.


Managing Anger in the Midst of COVID-19

“In your anger [and self-isolation] do not sin.”


Second Chances

God gives us second chances.

Family Worship

This Marriage Is Ruining My Spiritual Life: Can I Get Out?

God’s regard for your marriage and the powerful good It can do


The Vanishing Black Smudge

Many years ago a boy named Davy lived on a farm. It was a big farm, and there was lots to do to care for the animals and grow food for his family. Davy had a big sister Angie, a big brother Joe, and a…

Children’s Stories
Children’s Stories

Sponges, Brains, and Character

A hands-on family devotional on guarding our hearts and brains to develop a Christ-like character.


Ministering to Grieving Children: Jesus’ experience of grieving and restoration

Learning from the example of Jesus, church pastors, and members alike can aid in the healing and long-term spiritual health of a child who has experienced a significant loss.


Longings and Losses: Working with Grieving Families – Part 2

What should we say to a grieving person? How can we minister to someone who is going through a loss? This article is the second of a two-part seminar that will equip you to minister to grieving famili…


Longings and Losses: Working with Grieving Families – Part 1

Understanding grief is essential to ministering to a grieving family.


In Need of a Do-over!

Have you had the kind of day where you just wanted to stop and have a do-over? I have certainly experienced a few of those during this pandemic.

Sanity for the Sandwich Generation

Listening Well in a Crisis

How can we listen better when people are distressed? That is a big question for which we need answers as people deal with the myriad issues related to social isolation, illness, mental health, and the…


Abuse During Lockdown, and How to Help

For some people, the biggest challenge is being trapped in their own home, 24 hours a day, with an abusive relative.


Your Marriage Can Survive COVID-19, here is how

COVID-19 has dramatically and drastically changed life in our homes. Many of us are feeling anxious, uncertain, and stressed while trying to adjust to a new and hopefully temporary normal.


Helping Families Cope During COVID-19

Your children need a safe place to talk and an opportunity to express their feelings, and it is up to you to provide this space.


Family Activities

Keeping a schedule has also helped us, so we designate times in our day where we come together, such as mealtime, family worship and walking breaks.

Sanity for the Sandwich Generation

Ministering to Children in Times of Coronavirus

This week, as I read news articles and had conversations about the challenges families are facing during the COVID-19 crisis, a concern that many shared is how to survive social distancing/self-isolat…


Sanity for the Sandwich Generation During COVID-19

Today, I am claiming the promise found in Philippians 4:13 (NKJV) “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I don’t know about you, but for me, being confined in our house with two coll…

Sanity for the Sandwich Generation

Tips for Surviving and Thriving During COVID-19 for Families

Here are a few tips to help in managing the stay-at-home orders and maintaining peace in the home.


Q&A: Surviving and Thriving as a Family During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Feeling anxious during this pandemic is expected and not unusual. Asking questions rather than making statements is a good idea as you relate to your loved one.


There is Hope for Today’s Families

Despite the difficulty of life in relationships, there is Hope for Today’s Families, much can change for the better when we trust God to give us the patience, kindness, and love He wants us to have in…


Spicy Peanut Sauce

Watch the Real Family Talk episode here.  Servings: 6 | Preparation Time: 10 minutes | Total Time: 10mins Ingredients 1/2 cup peanut butter chunky or smooth 1/4 cup tamari sauce (a…


Almond Butter Brownies

Watch the Real Family Talk episode here Servings: 9 | Preparation Time: 15 mins | Cooking Time: 15mins | Inactive Time: 15 minutes |Total Time: 45 minutes Ingredients 1/4 cup cocoa powder 1 cup a…


Cashew Cheese

Watch the Real Family Talk episode here.  Preparation Time: 15 minutes | Cooking Time: 5 minutes | Total Time: 45 minutes Ingredients 2 cups cashew 2 cups of water 1/ 4 cup nutritional yeast 1 re…


Statement on the Biblical View of Unborn Life and Its Implications for Abortion

Human beings are created in the image of God. Part of the gift that God has given us as humans is procreation, the ability to participate in creation along with the Author of life. This sacred gift sh…

Real Answers

What the Divorce Statistics Say

World Divorce Rates-General Population For a collection of world divorce statistics, visit this website: Statistics compiled at this we…

Real Answers

The Impact of Divorce on Seventh-day Adventist Couples

Divorce is almost always a disaster! It affects all those involved for the rest of their lives in ways we can hardly imagine. It is fair to say that no one ever emerges from a divorce unscathed or una…

Real Answers

A Review of The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce

BOOK REVIEW The Unexpected Legacy of DivorceA 25-Year Landmark Study of Divorced Families From the flyleaf- “Twenty-five years ago, Judith Wallerstein began talking to a group of 131 children wh…

Real Answers

SDA Policy on Divorce and Remarriage

Introduction When the General Conference Session in Toronto considers proposed changes in our Church Manual‘s statements on divorce and remarriage, the delegates will be continuing a process tha…

Real Answers

Divorce and Remarriage Study Commission – Report

Introduction Throughout the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, various committees, commissions, and councils have studied the topic of marriage and the issues of divorce and remarriage in a…

Real Answers

Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Church Manual 2005

Biblical Teachings on Marriage Origin of Marriage -Marriage is a divine institution established by God Himself before the fall, when everything, including marriage, was “very good” (Gen. 1…

Real Answers

Divorce, Remarriage, and Church Membership. Annual Council 1976

Click the image below to download the Annual Council Minutes, 1976 statement on Divorce, Remarriage, and Church Membership.

Real Answers

Polygamy, Dual Career Marriages, and African Culture Among Topics at Groundbreaking Conference in Kenya

Three African Adventist regions come together to grapple with difficult subjects. In another first for the Family Ministries Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, three African divisions, or…


Bride Price, Divorce, and Leadership in African Families

The Adventist Pan-African Conference on Dynamic Family Relationships continues with sensitive topics By: Costin Jordache, communication director and news editor, Adventist Review This is Part 2 of a t…


Christian Home and Marriage Week

Please download the images below to promote the 2018 Christian Home and Marriage Week at the local churches. The images are designed to fit well social media channels. You may use this artwork as insp…


2015 – 2020 Family Ministries Strategic Plans

Please find below links to download the Strategic Plan Alignment to the Global Church initiative: Reach The World, Total Member Involvement. Press/Click on the image, wait to download (0.9Mb), and add…

Real Answers


Fun & Easy Family Worship Memories Ideas Adventist Families in North America Study 2017 Family Ministries Special Dates

Real Answers


Click to access to the 2017 End It Now materials

Real Answers

Family Ministries Breakout Presentations

Family Ministries Breakout Presentations Below you will find a link to download the presentations (PDF files) that were given during the Family Ministries Breakouts at the Reach The World, Budapest 20…

Real Answers

Church with a Toddler

I’m doing my best to make morning pleasant- I want Sabbath to be happy rather than filled with frustration and hurrying.


Revival and Reformation and your Family

The General Conference Department of Family Ministries joins the Revival and Reformation program and presents practical ideas to bring your family to an spiritual revival and so reach families for Jes…

Real Answers


Statement of Consensus on Care for the Dying

For people whose lives are guided by the Bible, the reality of death is acknowledged as part of the current human condition, affected by sin (Genesis 2:17; Romans 5; Hebrews 9:27). There is “a t…

Real Answers

Statement on Home and Family

The health and prosperity of society is directly related to the well-being of its constituent parts – the family unit. Today, as probably never before, the family is in trouble. Social commentators de…

Real Answers


Making Marriage Fun

How do we keep the honeymoon going?


Engaged to be Engaged?

Should I get premarital counseling before getting engaged?


Fundamental Belief on Marriage and the Family

Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman in loving companionship. For the Christian a marriage commitment is to God as well as t…

Fundamental Beliefs

An Affirmation of Marriage

Issues related to marriage can be seen in their true light only as they are viewed against the background of the divine ideal for marriage. Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Je…

Fundamental Beliefs

An Affirmation of God’s Gift of Sexuality

Human beings are created in the image of a relational God and designed to enjoy an intimate relationship with their Creator and one another (Gen. 1:26, 27; Matt. 22:37-39; John 17:3; 1 John 4:11, 12).…

Real Answers

Assisted Human Reproduction — Considerations

Developments in medical technology have led to a number of interventions designed to assist human procreation. Procedures such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, embryo tra…

Real Answers

Bibliography for Marriage Preparation

Chidwick, Ann. (1994). New beginnings: A remarriage preparation program manual . Milwaukee, WI: Families International, Inc. Chidwick, Ann. (1994). New beginnings: A remarriage preparation workbook .…

Real Answers

Preparing Couples for Marriage

Marriage is a Process A wedding is one of life’s most significant celebrations. It merits all the careful thought and planning usually invested in its preparation. Of course planning for the cer…

Real Answers

Grace Changes Everything

Theme: The grace of God empowers and energizes us to produce happy, healthy marriages. Theme Text: Ephesians 1-5 Presentation Notes: Throughout the following outline, numbers in parentheses (1), (2),…

Real Answers

Close Companions

Theme: The close companionship of a husband and wife in marriage helps them to be better equipped to face and endure whatever crises life may bring. Theme Text: Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:28-30; Eccles…

Real Answers

Invited to the Feast

Theme: The gift of Christ to the marriage feast at Cana was a symbol of what He wants to do to our own marriages. Theme Text: John 2:1-12 Supplementary Reading: Ellen G. White, “At the Marriage…

Real Answers

Let Love’s Light Shine

Theme: Each Christian married couple is a ministering unit whose love and oneness is a powerful means of sharing the gospel and uplifting the lives of other couples and individuals. Theme Text: Gen. 2…

Real Answers

A Godly Design

Theme: God designed marriage to help meet the multiple needs of men and women in a context of affirmation, safety, and security. Theme Text: Genesis 1:28; 2:18-24; 1 Corinthians 7:5; Ephesians 5:22-32…

Real Answers

The Marriage Miracle

Theme: Jesus’ transformation of water to wine at the wedding feast symbolizes His transformation of the marriage institution. God’s redemptive act in Christ lifted the curse, permitting co…

Real Answers

Preventive Health Care for Marriage

Theme: God has given simple preventive principles that can help couples to maintain a healthy marriage. Theme Text: 3 John 2 Presentation Notes: Throughout the following outline, numbers in parenthese…

Real Answers

Sustaining Love Throug The Seasons of Marriage

Theme: Provisions exist in the Christian gospel to enable married couples to maintain their covenant amid changes that affect their marriage. Theme Text: Lam. 3:23; Hosea 2:20 Presentation Notes: Thro…

Real Answers

Sparking Romance

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Preparing for Marriage Inventory

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Time Out for Love

TIME OUT FOR LOVE by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Theme: The marriage bond is strengthened as couples recognize their personal worth and endea…

Real Answers

Putting Anger in Its Place

PUTTING ANGER IN ITS PLACE A Marriage Enrichment Seminar by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference with Harold and Nelma Drake Marriage Enrichment Facil…

Real Answers

The Power of Oneness

THE POWER OF ONENESS by Elaine & Willie Oliver Department of Family Ministries North American Division Theme: Christian marriage is based on the biblical model of leaving father and mother and cle…

Real Answers

Marriage Where Grace Is In Place

MARRIAGE WHERE GRACE IS IN PLACE by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Theme: Meditation and dialog by couples on the scriptural themes of the gospe…

Real Answers

Marriage Dramas for All Seasons

MARRIAGE DRAMAS FOR ALL SEASONS by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Skits are great fun as well as a powerful way to stimulate insight and dialogu…

Real Answers

Journey Into Intimacy

JOURNEY INTO INTIMACY Helping Couples Across the Marriage Map by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference How to Use This Resource: The pieces within this…

Real Answers

I Still Do

I STILL DO Choosing Each Other Again and Again by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Author’s note: This marriage strengthening resource is de…

Real Answers

Growing Together Through Conflict

GROWING TOGETHER THROUGH CONFLICT by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Theme: How to solve conflicts so that everyone wins. Objective: To teach a t…

Real Answers

Good News for Modern Marrieds

GOOD NEWS FOR MODERN MARRIEDS Four Evenings of Bible Study and Marital Growth for Couples by Karen Flowers Co-Director, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Outlined below are four even…

Real Answers

Divine Design for Sexuality

DIVINE DESIGN FOR SEXUALITY A Seminar on Sexuality From a Biblical Perspective by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Theme: This seminar presents hu…

Real Answers

Your Marriage: How it Shapes the Next Generation

YOUR MARRIAGE: HOW IT SHAPES THE NEXT GENERATION by Karen & Ron Flowers Directors, Department of Family Ministries, General Conference Theme: When the Spirit of Christ resides in the hearts of a h…

Real Answers

Happy Marriages

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Abandoned Spouse

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Caught in the Middle

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Changing Bad Habits

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Crying Men

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Domestic Violence

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Kidness in Marriage

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Who Handles the Money

<p>Throughout its history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has periodically released position statements on specific topics and issues. A number of these pertain to marriage and the family, or to iss…

Real Answers

Seventh-day Adventist Response to Same-Sex Unions–A Reaffirmation of Christian Marriage

Over the past several decades the Seventh-day Adventist Church has felt it necessary to clearly state in various ways its position in regards to marriage, the family, and human sexuality. These subjec…

Real Answers

Sexuality and Reproductive Issues

Birth Control: A Seventh-day Adventist Statement of Consensus

Scientific technologies today permit greater control of human fertility and reproduction than was formerly possible. These technologies make possible sexual intercourse with the expectation of pregnan…

Real Answers

Seventh-day Adventist Position Statement on Homosexuality

The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes that every human being is valuable in the sight of God, and we seek to minister to all men and women in the spirit of Jesus. We also believe that by God&#8…

Real Answers

Statement of Consensus Concerning Female Genital Mutilation

Introduction As part of their mission to the entire world, Seventh-day Adventists have a firm commitment to provide health care that preserves and restores human wholeness. By wholeness we mean the ha…

Real Answers

Statement on AIDS

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and associated conditions are spreading rapidly around the world. On the basis of statistical studies it is estimated that in the near future, in many countri…

Real Answers

Statement on Ethical Considerations Regarding Human Cloning

For a number of decades, the prospect that new members of the human family might be produced by cloning was considered farfetched. Recent advances in genetic and reproductive biology, however, indicat…

Real Answers

Statement on Pornography

Diverse courts and cultures may debate the definitions and consequences of pornography (the literature of sexual deviance), but on the basis of eternal principles, Seventh-day Adventists of whatever c…

Real Answers

*Divorce and Remarriage — click here