Our work for Christ is to begin with the family in the home. By many this home field has been shamefully neglected, and it is time that divine resources and remedies were presented, that this state of evil may be corrected.
God designs that the families of earth shall be a symbol of the family in heaven. Christian homes, established and conducted in accordance with God’s plan, are among His most effective agencies for the formation of Christian character and for the advancement of His work.
– Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6 , pp. 429, 430.
Families are important read full article…
The family… is divinely-ordained. It was instituted at creation with the union of Adam and Eve. It is as old as Eden and is lodged firmly in the history of God’s people through the ages. Scripture abounds with teaching concerning the family…
Four Reasons for Family Ministries read full article…
1. Families are in Trouble- The family is being attacked from within and from without. We must rush to its aid.
2. The family needs nurture and instruction- The challenge facing the church is to nurture its members, presenting biblical concepts of marriage, parenting and family living.
3. The family system requires a particular kind of ministry- Effective discipling of the individual takes place in a primary way within the context of his family. Special forms of ministry by the church can enhance this process.
4. Family Ministry is tangible evidence of a caring church- The church that works personally with its members, touching individuals where they live and helping them to find more fulfilled lives as singles or marrieds, as parents or children, is a church that creates strong bonds that are not easily broken.
Leadership in Family Ministries read full article…
The home and family emphasis within the Department of Family Ministries endeavors to make the home a discipling center where family members by their relationships with each other are encouraged in their relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. The focus is on premarital guidance, strengthening marriage, and parent education with attention given also to extended family relationships, single parenting, step-family needs, and single living…
The Special Needs of Families read full article…
Family Ministries in its widest context is not addressed to any one segment of the church; it includes everyone, for it speaks to universal needs. In a real sense, the church itself constitutes a family. Because of this, family life ministry will be alert to special needs in the while congregation that require consideration as well…
Shaping a Church’s Family Ministries read full article…
The form that family ministry takes will be determined by the overall goals of the church, the felt needs of the congregation and the community, the prevailing attitudes toward such specific ministry and the resources available…
Successful Family Ministries Programs read full article…
The key to sucessful family ministry programs in the local church includes the following:
- A definition of needs
- A specific target audience
- Adequate planning
- Quality communication with the target audience
- A small team of church members who are willing to learn some essential relational skills, and
- A keen sense of how thisa ministry relates to the total church program.
More Ideas for Family Ministries read full article…
Family strengthening emphasis can be given to existing church services, programs and activities. A formal program is not necessary for every family life need that surfaces in the congregation…
Meeting Some Myths read full article…
A number of ideas flourish which tend to defeat family ministry…
An Affirmation of the Family read full article…
A biblical basis for Family Ministry is essential. Men and women were created for relationships with God and with others. Both creation and redemption declare His desire to be in relationship with us…
A Theological Rationale for Family Ministries read full article…
A ministry which effectively enables people to express qenuine love must begin at the most basic levels of relationships-those learned and acquired in the home and family environment…