New Year, New You
The beginning of a new year presents a compelling opportunity for wholistic life transformation. The wisdom of the Bible—combined with modern psychological and sociological insights—offers a comprehensive framework for meaningful change across all dimensions of human experience.
Read MoreWho Should I Marry?
Finding a compatible spouse who shares your values is a significant challenge, especially for those in their early 30s who may feel increasing pressure to settle down. To be sure, the Bible offers several principles for finding a well-suited spouse.
Read MoreMarried and Frustrated! Part 2
When two people meet and get along well together, they often say they’ve fallenin love. Actually, they’ve fallen into what’s called limerence, which is just a fancy way of saying they’re deeply attracted to each other.
Read MoreWe Have Teenagers, Please Help!
Parenting teenagers is one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences. It requires striking a delicate balance between providing enough support and independence to foster their growth into responsible adults.
Read MoreMarried and Frustrated! Part 1
Marriage is one of the most challenging relationships to manage, because it’s the closest relationship for most people.
Read MoreGood Communication
Good communication is like the blood of relationships. Every facet of the living organism of your relationship hinges on good, healthy communication.
Read MoreWhy Get Married at All? Part 2
In last month’s column we answered your question from a biblical perspective. In this month’s column we share a social scientific assessment on marriage and premarital cohabitation.
Read MoreHeather-Dawn Small Passes to her Rest in the Lord
Pastor Ted Wilson shared these comforting words: “Our hearts go out to the family of Heather-Dawn Small. What a tragedy that she has died. The process happened so quickly that it is difficult to grasp the situation. Heather-Dawn diligently served the world church as Women’s Ministries director for many years. She was so supportive of
Read MoreWhy Get Married at All? Part 1
As people of faith living in a world without moral boundaries or constraints, it is essential to ask ourselves what norms we are living by and why.
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